Decentraleyes for Chrome helps protect against tracking through "free", centralized, content delivery, and prevents numerous requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries and more. Decentraleyes for Chrome also serves local files preventing sites from breaking and it is capable of running alongside regular content blockers as well. [License: Freeware | Requires:
11|10|8|7|Linux|macOS | Size: Size Varies ]
Clockify for Windows, Chrome, Firefox, and Android will help you track and log time from anywhere on the web. No matter if you are working on a work project, etc., tracking your hours can be time-consuming in itself. Why not have an app or browser extension/add-on do it for you? Clockify will mind the time so you can concentrate on the work. [License: Freeware | Requires:
11|10|8|7|Android|Linux|macOS | Size: Size Varies ]