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EngadgetJun 24, 2024
Record labels sue AI music generators for ‘massive infringement of recorded music'
Major music labels are taking on AI startups that they believe trained on their songs without paying. Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group and Sony Music Group sued the music generators Suno and Udio for allegedly infringing on copyrighted works on a "massive scale."

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) initiated the lawsuits and wants to establish that "nothing that exempts AI technology from copyright law or that excuses AI companies from playing by the rules."

The music labels' lawsuits in US federal court accuse Suno and Udio of scraping their copyrighted tracks from the internet. The filings against the AI companies reportedly demand injunctions against future use and damages of up to $150,000 per infringed work. (That sounds like it could add up to a monumental sum if the court finds them liable.) The suits appear aimed at establishing licensed training as the only acceptable industry framework for AI moving forward — while instilling fear in companies that train their models without consent.

Udio Suno AI and Udio AI (Uncharted Labs run the latter) are startups with software that generates music based on text inputs. The former is a partner of Microsoft for its CoPilot music generation tool. The RIAA claims the services' reproduced tracks are uncannily similar to existing works to the degree that they must have been trai

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